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Elena Vandakurova

Senior consultant, negotiations expert and coach

Fields of Competence
Negotiations – commerce, collective, strategic methods of diagnostic and negotiations conduct; partnership establishment, etc.

Human Resources and organizational development –staff assessment, behavior analysis during negotiations.

Professional Experience
With a first experience as psychologist in a school for talented children, Elena ran a municipality psychological service. Since 1994 Elena works as a consultant on company’s management and organization. From 2006 until 2008 she participated in international project «Negotiate as Leader» playing a role of expert (assessment, training, coaching). Elena’s principal specialization stands for negotiations and strategy. In “Alest” she is in charge of development educational programs and leading business negotiation trainings.

Elena Vandakurova graduated from State Yaroslavl University with a specialization in “Practical psychology”. As part of her studies in psychology, she pursued her education in the area of juridical psychology. Elena also graduated from Moscou Academy of Tourism and Hotel business sector (Faculty of linguistics, English language). Since 1997 Elena constantly enriches her experience, participating in seminars and European training modules on negotiation techniques, leadership and management skills development etc.

-  Negotiations in retail trade (for buyers, contractors, sub-contractors)
-  Commerce and political negotiations
-  Time management
-  Conflict management
-  Leadership

Elena participated in development of education programs for the following companies:
-  Auchan
-  Lenta
-  Polpharma
-  Ebewe Pharma
-  Tikkurila
-  Unique Pharmaceutical Laboratories
-  Maxcom – Electro
-  EnergoBalance
-  Motorol

3 rue Duguesclin
35000 RENNES
Tél : 02 99 79 28 82
2 Villa Juge
75015 Paris
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